Cynthia Renee McMillan Blames Others for Her Domestic Violence, Adult Abuse, Low Parental Capacity
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Cindy McMillan does NOT Only Assault Children
The documents above and photos to the left are matters occurring within the very same evening. Doug West was with his daughter Katie West, and Cindy McMillan's other children, Shauna McMillan & Ian Gilleshammer, attending a celebration for his parents 40th Wedding Anniversary.
Cindy McMillan had started taking an anti depressant drug similar to drugs linked with school shootings. Her hands were trembling and she began throwing fits of rage, hitting Shauna McMillan more frequently and her overall level of patience was extremely low. Roughly two weeks before her domestic violence incident against Doug West, Cindy McMillan was in a little fender bender car accident while driving in downtown Grand Forks, and she was by herself without a seat belt on. However, she blamed the accident on Doug West, stating it was entirely his fault, due to McMillan's ongoing emotional difficulties. Anyone who is rational doesn't blame their own car accident on another person who wasn't in the vehicle at the time.
Simple assault charges against Doug West were dropped immediately when he showed he called 911 and had medical records showing injuries caused by McMillan, but authorities refused to charge her with assault. McMillan later made statements that West was acting crazy all day but the photos to the left were taken just hours before McMillan came home from work and assaulted Doug West.